Social Program

French vocal music event

Monday July 9th, we you offer you a trip through French music from the Renaissance to modern times.
This concert will be given by professional singers and pianist together with amateur choirs. The first part will be devoted to the French Renaissance, featuring drinking (mainly) and love songs.Then it will continue with French songs from the first half of the XXth century.

Appropriately the concert will end with extracts from “La vie Parisienne” (The Parisian life) of Jacques Offenbach. Finally, try to sing with us the classics, in French.


Cocktail dinatoire

Tuesday 10th, with the support of the Paleontological Society, we invite you to enjoy an amazing entertainment and a typically French buffet during the "cocktail dinatoîre" in the Great Gallery of Evolution in the National Museum of Natural History.

During this party, you will have the opportunity to visit all the Great Gallery of Evolution and the temporary exhibition of Trix, a quite complete female of T rex discovered in Montana, USA.

Great Gallery of Evolution


Gala dinner

The Gala Dinner will take place on Seine River on Thursday July, 12th evening.

We will leave from Jardin des Plantes (Quai Saint Bernard) at 07:15 p.m. and have dinner during the trip along Seine River. The cruise will finish at Eiffel Tower around 23:00 p.m. You will be free to enjoy night in Paris….


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