Excursions > Pre and Post field trips
The field trips will offer the opportunity to (re)discover many aspects of France and of Belgium and Italy.
France is unique for the outstanding richness and importance of its fossil localities, all easily acces-sible, with all periods of the Phanerozoic geological time represented. Some of the earliest geological maps were produced here by Cuvier and Brongniart, and many stratotypes (Cenomanian, Givetian, Lutetian, Turonian, etc.) are located here.
The number of participants for field trips is limited and requests will be filled on a first-come first-served basis. Registrations to the field trips be done when registering to the conference. Trips may be cancelled if under-subscribed.
Following several requests, we are pleased to announce that the field trips are now open to accompanying persons.
If you have further question, please contact the organizers.

* Before purchasing travel tickets for the point of departure/arrival, please ask the organizers for confirmation that the trip will actually take place. The transport costs be supported by the participants.
The Conference organizers cannot accept liability for personal accidents or loss of or damage to private property of participants, either during or indirectly arising from the IPC5 field trips. Participants are advised to take out their own personal health and travel insurance for their trip.
FT1 Anjou noir, Anjou blanc, Anjou rouge: palaeontology and geology of the Loire Valley Registration closed

In the historical province of Anjou, at the west of Paris, the contact between the layers of the Basin of Paris (Mesozoic and Cenozoic) and those of the Armorican Massif (Proterozoic to Palaeozoic) allows, along the Loire valley, the observation of fossiliferous outcrops, landscape diversity, architectural heritage, but also famous vineyards. This fieldtrip, departing from Paris, will make possible a discovery of the geological, heritage and cultural potential of the visited places.
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FT2 Excavations at the Early Cretaceous Dinosaur Bonebed of Angeac-Charente Registration closed
This field trip will be an "unique opportunity" to participate in the 2018 excavation campaign at Angeac-Charente locality with the team of around 30 people. Participants will live with the team at the Angeac School (sleeping in tents, picnics in vineyards).
Visit of the Angoulême Museum, a Pineau des Charentes wine storehouse. Participation in the "famous" dinner of the "Confrérie du Grand Sauropode". Charente river boat ride on a traditional flatbottomed boat (Gabare).
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FT3 Geology‚ wine and culture: Jura‚ Bourgogne and Champagne Registration closed

The fieldtrip offers a visit through the most famous area of wine making close to Paris: Jura, Bourgogne and Champagne. Wine is part of French culture and one the most renowned cultural product of France. Century old wine business has strongly shaped the landscape, enriched and made the cultural heritage of cities visited during the fieldtrip (Arbois, Beaune, Dijon or Reims). There is an obvious link between geology and land use. The fieldtrip will highlight geology, history, local culture, visits of vineyards and cellars, all aspects embraced into the French word “terroir”.
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FT4 Jurassic from Normandy Cancelled
This field trip will be dedicated to the discover the fabulous vestiges from the past of Normandy’s history in the Jurassic Period : the cliffs of ‘Les Vaches Noires’ (Black Cows), Bajocian stratotype and Paleospace museum.
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FT5 Jurassic from Northern Burgundy to Lyon area: fossils‚ wine and patrimonial aspects Cancelled

Famed the world over for its wines, Burgundy is one of the great historic regions of France. This field trip will enable you to discover the various aspects of this region : Coral-based reefs of North Burgundy (Oxfordian, Upper Jurassic), Museum of Semur-en-Auxois (which contains a huge Sinemurian fossil collection) and visit of the stratotypic sections (and others) of the Sinemurian stage (Lower Jurassic). The Corton Hill (producing some of the most famous Burgundian wines): Jurassic limestones as a key element for Burgundian wines and visit of Beaune city-center. Belmont-d’Azergues quarry and fossils (Lower and Middle Jurassic).
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FT6 Luberon & Haute-Provence palaeontological sites (Southeast France) Cancelled

This field trip will enable you to visit the ‘Haute Provence Geopark’ located in Southeastern France in the foothills of the Western Alps. Visit open-air Museum, large ammonites slab and land art site. Dugong valley & Ichthyosaurus site. Birds tracks and Esclangon panorama and 'Clues de Barles'.
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FT7 Mid-Late Palaeozoic of western Europe: the Belgian Classics Registration closed

This field trip will be dedicated to the Devonian–Carboniferous succession of Belgium (Namur–Dinant Basin). The sedimentary successions of southern Belgium and northern France display a large range of siliciclastic and carbonate facies, including several types of carbonate mounds. This classical area was historically used for Palaeozoic geology and palaeontology and it is here that numerous historical stages have been recognized, and some officially ratified by the International Union of Geological Sciences, including the Givetian, Frasnian, Famennian, Tournaisian, and Viséan.
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FT8 Montceau-les-Mines Lagerstätte (Carboniferous) and Autunian Stratotype (Permian) Cancelled

This field trip is dedicated to the Carboniferous and Permian faunas and floras of the French Massif Central. It includes the visit of the exhibitions of the regional Museum of Autun where are housed exceptionally preserved organisms both from the Autunian stratotype outcrops and from the Stephanian Montceau-les-Mines nodules, and a privileged access to the collections of type specimens. A visit of the historical outcrops of the Autunian stratotype is also planned with five stops in the Autun basin (including a field guide).
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FT9 Permian and Mesozoic environments in southern France Cancelled

Excursions on Permian, Rhaetian and Maastrichtian fields with some degustations of local wines and restauration, traditionnal villages trip and landscapes stops.
The goal of this excursion is to show palaeontologic diversity of South of France.
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FT10 The end-Permian mass extinction and the Early Triassic biotic recovery in the Dolomites Cancelled

This field trip will enable you to visit key-sections of the Dolomites (Southern Alps, Italy) recording the last moment of Palaeozoic life, the end Permian mass extinction, the Early Triassic survival and biotic recovery phases which occurred in the shallow marine environment of western Tethys. During the field trip, the landscape of the Dolomites (UNESCO World Heritage) and local museums will be observed and visited.
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