Project IPC5 – Campus des métiers et de l’entreprise Bobigny Seine Saint Denis
In the frame of the “Fossil Week”, the International Palaeontological Congress (IPC5) that will convene in Paris in 2018, a workshop was organized by the Head of the CR2P (Center of research in Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironment – CNRS-MNHN-UPMC) and the art teacher of the Learning Center (Campus des métiers et de l’entreprise) of Bobigny in Seine Saint Denis.
A class of eight dental technician apprentices (five girls and three boys) was chosen.
The apprentices first visited the Natural History National Museum (November 6th, 2017). After a short conference on what fossils and palaeontology are, they had a guided tour of the palaeontology gallery. The apprentices visited the CR2P preparation lab where the fossils are extracted from rocks.
The workshop participants with the CR2P professional moulder. We lent them mouldings of Australopithecus jaw. They had to make latex imprints and new mouldings. First drawings were realized (November – December 2017).
On a jaw drawing sketched by their teacher, they had to imagine how to patine their moults without restriction of color and ornamentation. For this, they were complexly free and had to produce an aesthetic result.
Some drawings are realized by their art teacher as example.

On this basis, they produced a first draft of their drawing by cutting out elements from magazines.
The moulding was realized by their pratic teacher Julien Darlet...

And patinas are begun (May 14th)!

On May 14th, the students are working on their art work

And the result....

the Andalousian one...

During the Fossil Week, we had an outdoor showcase to present the patined moultings and the drawings.

Sylvie Crasquin & Didier Boulais