Informations for presentation

English will be the official language of the meeting and excursions.

The following icons may be included on slides and posters to express that :

- no result should be posted on any social media networks or blogs-device settings

- records and pictures are forbidden.




Oral presentation

Each oral presentation will be 12 minutes long, with 3 additional minutes for questions. Since the conference schedule is tight, speakers are strongly requested to strictly keep time .

Presentation formats only in Adobe Acrobat Reader files (*.pdf). The slides should be in standard format 4:3.

Please name your file as following: Day_Session_AuthorName. Example: 09_S1_Dupont, means ‘the day of presentation is July 09th, session is the S1 and the first author is Dupont.

The presentations have to be uploaded during the break before the beginning of each sub-session. It is your responsibility to check that links to external media (videos) are working properly before visiting the Speaker Ready Room.

A PC computer will be available for all.

If your participation was funded by a travel grant, this must be acknowledged on your presentation, "sponsored by…".

It would be very helpful if you download your presentation Sunday afternoon at registration desk.


Poster presentation

The IPC5 Congress organisers look forward to seeing your poster on display during the meeting and thank you in advance for your co-operation in following these guidelines:

  • Posters should be presented in portrait layout. Maximum dimensions are A0: 841 mm (width) x 1189 mm (height).

  • Posters will be hanging on railings and the pliers will be provided.

  • A number will be assigned to each poster. Posters could be hanging Sunday 8th afternoon during registration or during lunch break Monday 9th. at the attributed place. All the posters will stay throughout the congress, from Monday, July 9th to Friday, July 13th .
  • At the bottom of the poster, please include your and/or the corresponding author email address. This will prove especially useful if another IPC5 delegate wishes to contact you about your work.

  • If your participation was funded by a travel grant, this must be acknowledged on your poster, "sponsored by…”

Posters must be removed Friday after the plenary closing session and before 18:00 p.m.

 To download the IPC5 logo and the pictograms click here.  


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