Travel grants
IPC5, with the support of Fondation L'Oreal, offers a grant for a student from a Developing Nation: Harsha DHIMAN.
The International Palaeontological Association offers a grant for a student from a Developing Nation: Kevin JIMENEZ-LARA.
IUGS offers three grants for students: Djimdoumalbayle AHOUNTA, Arturo Miguel HEREDIA and Gabriel LADEIRA OSES.
The International Research Group on Ostracoda, together with the Society of Friends of IRGO, offers three grants: Lea RAUSCH, Yana SHURUPOVA and Simona RINKEVIČIŪTĖ. The PalAss offers twenty eight grants. The Société Géologique de France (SGF) offers travel grants for students: Jérémie AUBINEAU, Raphael VASSEUR and Axelle ZACAI. The Groupe Français d’Étude du Jurassique (GFEJ) and the Groupe Français du Crétacé (GFC) offers one grant: Layla EL HAJJ.
![]() The Association Paléontologique Française (APF) offers two grants for PhD students: Mariana VIGLIO and Nikolay ZVERKOV.