Collection visits

All facilities will be at your disposal to study the numerous types and figured specimens, as well as less known material housed in the collections.

Because we will have a limited number of slots (time, space & equipment), and because we expect numerous requests, the number of visitors will be adjusted to the availability of curators and equipment.



More than 50,000 types and figured specimens in a collection of more than 7 million fossils are housed in the MNHN.

Visitors will be welcomed for scientific studies during the 2 weeks before and after the IPC 2018 in the collection reserves.

A visit should be prepared via our visit management: click here. This service makes it possible to record, via the web, a request concerning the collections of specimens : loans, visits, sampling, etc.


Sorbonne University

Mainly  constitued of marine invertebrates, the paleontology collection of Sorbonne University contains rare fossils, some of which come from depleted or missing deposits or are spectacular by their size or their quality of conservation.

Requests will be conveyed by email to the curator in charge of the concerned collection unit : stephane.jouve(at)



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